Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Acupoint Treasure

Detail Description:

Invented according to the ancient Chinese acupuncture therapy, magnetic therapy. Focused magnetic cluster will function through skin upon the acupoint when acupressure on the acupoints adopted. Promotes circulation of blood in micro vessels and adjust disturbance in bioelectric field as well as magnetic field by way of scanning and injecting certain electric pulse to prevent and cure disease and achieve effects. Known as the “in visible magnetic magic needle”. General effectiveness reaches 98.4%. Won the Golden Award “96 Beijing International Invention” and at “The 1st session International Einstein New Invention, New technology (products).

How To use: Press, scah and pulse

A: Press Press the pinpoint of the Acupoint Treasure certain acupoint using bOg - 500g strength, accordance to the highest limit level of patient.
B: Scan press with strength while circling the acupoint with pinpoint of the acupoint Treasure clockwise or anti-clockwise, similar to massaging. Scan acupoint with the magnetic bunch to change the still magnetism into active magnetism to change part of the bioelectric field of the body. This speeds the flowing of the blood and enhances the curing effect.
C: Pulse Pressing the acupoint for I to 3 minutes and pulsing the acupoint once or twice clear and activate the channels and collateral, with immediate effects. Before electrical pulse, install the transmitting stick according to illustrated instructions. The stick must touch skin. Keep the pinpoint 1 mm from the acupoint.
D: Using 2Acupoint Treasure At the same time on two different acupoint or symmertrical acupoints of same pinpoint (eg: temple, ren-ying acupoint acu point to get better effect).
E:Moving the Acupoint Treasure Vertically On the meridian and collateral can also obtain great effect.
F: For the diseases which can cause pain Pressing directly on the Ah-shi acupoint (aching point). (eg: periarthritis of humerus capillaries, backache, nervation can be cured).
G: For other symptoms, Please refer to the related acupoint of an acupuncture chart. Acupoint therapy will ensuremore ideal therapeutic effects.

1. Read the directions carefully Acu point Treasure.
2. Avoid the Acupoint Treasure from and heat source.
3. Keep Acupoint Treasure away frame watches, televisions and video recorders, which, susceptible to magnetic force.
4. Do not dismantle yourself as this may disrupt magnetic field or other indicate parts of apparatus.
5. The lifespan of the electric pulse is 5,000 times per apparatus.
6. Patients with cardiac pacemaker are suggested not to use this apparatus.

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