Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Aloe Vera Series Cosmetics

Detail Description:

Aloe Ice Crystal Skin Care Series
Aloe ice crystal skin care essence series include: Aloe ice crystal cleaning gel, Aloe ice-crystal softener, Aloe ice crystal eye cream, Aloe ice crystal day cream and Aloe ice crystal night cream

Ingredients of Aloe:
Aloe contains abundantly sugar, amino acids, protein and enzymes, organic acid, multi-vitamins, minerals and other ingredients,
Sugar: various monosaccharide, disaccharide and polysaccharide manna polysaccharide such as manna sugar, glucose, xylose, Arabinose sugar, galactose, and so on.
Amino acids, protein and enzyme: aloe contains more than 20 kinds of amino acids, where glutamic acid, arginine and aspartic acid are the most abundant ingredients.
Organic acid: Such as malic acid, amber acid, citric acid, isocitric acid, lactic acid, oxalic acid, and so on.
Multiple vitamins: vitamin A, B1, B6, C, E, niacin, folic acid, and so on.
Minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, germanium, and so on.
Others: paraffin gas, Terpene, sterol, and so on.

The main components of the product
Aloe Ice Crystal Skin Care Essence Series cosmetics contain rich aloe essence, vitamin E and active gold particles, cholesterol and other active elements, which have the effects of high nourishment, complement of nutrients completely, remedy, anti-wrinkle, nourishment and moisture, etc. Long-term use can make skin smooth and flexible. Its high technology rest with the combination with 24K active gold, cholesterin, pearl extraction hydrolysis essence, aloe essence and other nutritional elements, so that the products maintain good transparency, and facilitate absorption greatly.

Efficacy of the products

(1) Aloe ice crystal cleaning gel(100 g/bottle)
Aloe ice crystal cleaning gel contain aloe essence and decontamination factor, moderate and no stimulation, which can remove the dirt, fats and cosmetic vestiges on the skin completely, repair epidermis cells, while balance oil secretion, regulate pH value into the weak acid adapted to human skin. The containing moisture factors can supply the skin moisture timely; make skin smooth, moist, tender, bright and full of healthy vitality. The function of the products is to remove the dirt on the skin easily, taking an effect of cleaning and moisture. It is suitable for people who have exuberant sebum secretion, and obvious acnes. The experiments indicate that the emergence of acnes decrease significantly, and the curative rate is 80%.
Operation guide: Take appropriate amount of gels on the palm of the hand, rub it with little water, and coat it on the face, clean it up after light massage with finger tip.

(2) Aloe ice-crystal softener (100 g/bottle)
Aloe ice-crystal softener contain rich aloe extraction essence and abundant natural moisture factor, whose characteristic is mild, it can balance pH value of skin, complement water and nutrients to skin timely and adequately, repair the damaged cells, meanwhile soften skin further, firm pores to prevent water missing, strengthen skin moisture effectively, recover clean and moist of skin. The skin will be healthy, moist, and flexible.
Operation guide: Coat it slightly and uniformly on clean skin with cotton pads, in order to make them absorbed.

(3) Aloe ice crystal eye cream (30 g/bottle)
For the sake of sensitivity of skin around eyes, aloe ice crystal eye cream contain natural aloe essence and multiple nutrients, complement natural collagen and nutrients to eye skin, moist it persistently. Repair damaged epidermal cells, accelerate blood circulation, recover flexible, relieve eye fatigue, prevent and remove small dry wrinkles, pouch and black eye ring around eyes, make skin tender, smooth and nicety.
Operation guide: Take appropriate amount of cream, massage circlewise from medial angle of eyelid to upper eyelid and under eyelid.

(4) Aloe ice crystal day cream (50 g/bottle)
Aloe ice crystal day cream contain aloe essence, active gold particles, pearl digest and multiple nutrients, which can nourish skin deeply, control hypersecretion of oil, firm pores, prevent acnes and repair damaged cells. It can repair aging cuticle, stimulate energy of cell regeneration and improve blood supply and microcirculation of skin. Compliment water deeply, moist skin, retain moisture, complement nutrients required every day, nourish skin, decelerate aging, restore skin tender and clear at short notice, make skin seem healthy and bright. It can make skin clear, smooth and flexible. It has the effects of moisture, sterilization, damage repairing, and regeneration of the tissue, sunblock, softening, smooth and whitening.
Operation guide: Clean face first, then take appropriate amount of cream to coat uniformly on the whole face.

(5) Aloe ice crystal night cream (55 g/bottle)
Aloe ice crystal night cream contain rich unique aloe essence, natural moisture factor and multiple nutrients, repair damage induced by sunlight and noxious substances effectively, accelerate cell activation and regeneration, and prevent skin aging. It can promote blood circulation and metabolism, complement nutrients adequately, restrain the evaporation of water, moist skin in high performance, and make skin bright and flexible.
This cream can make skin tender, reduce wrinkles and hair crack, accelerate regeneration of epidermal cells, and make skin remain moisture.

Target costumers and usage method:

1. Target costumers: suitable to all kinds of skin, but should be used cautiously in cases of sensitive skin.

2. Usage method:
1) Operation guide of Aloe ice-crystal softener: Coat it slightly and uniformly on clean skin with cotton pads, in order to make them absorbed.
2) Operation guide of Aloe ice crystal cleaning gel: Take appropriate amount of gels on the palm of the hand, rub it with little water, and coat it on the face, clean it up after light massage with finger tip.
3) Operation guide of Aloe ice crystal eye cream: Take appropriate amount of cream, massage circlewise from medial angle of eyelid to upper eyelid and under eyelid
4) Aloe ice crystal day cream: Clean face first, then take appropriate amount of cream to coat uniformly on the whole face.
5) Operation guide of Aloe ice crystal night cream: Clean face first at night, then take appropriate amount of cream to coat uniformly on the whole face.

Rejuvinating Mask

TIENS Intelligent Rejuvenating Mask

Rejuvenating Mask looks like the Oscar gold statue and is invented by American female family of Kitty· Reagan. It is a high technology product with its core-patented technology imported completely from America united Entire Inc. and is produced under the guidance of technicians of this company throughout the entire manufacturing process. Kitty· Reagan, the follow-on inventor and user of this mask, has been more than 60 years old but has a young appearance. There are magic stories spreading in United States about the invention of rejuvenating mask, and have been the secretes for Hollywood stars to keep their beauty since a long time ago. But before it is not popular due to its bulky volume and complicated use. It has been launched into market in a simple and convenient visualization since it resolved its shape issue not long before.

Mask Installation

TIENS Intelligent Rejuvenating Mask is easy to use, saving time and labor, which stands
comparison with its facia beautification efficacy. What you need to do is just put on the mask and hang the Martel processor at waist, and turn on the activate button. Then you can arrange your movement freely within each 16 minutes of facial beautification time, such as reading, watching television or chatting with friends, or even you can do the housework. This is incomparable with the experience when you have to sit or lie down quietly in beauty parlor at a holiday day to allow other people to “manipulate”. Beauty treatment can be so easy, how can you resist the temptation of Intelligent Rejuvenating Mask.

Special Features

• Contract pore and smoothen skin 100%
• Effectively remove acne 100%
• Control the increase of pseudo and real wrinkles 88.9%
• Lighten and eliminate acquired color spot 90.9%
• Improve or eliminate pouch and black circle 87.5%
• Improve dark skin 83.33%

Intelligent Rejuvenating Mask uses the top technology of 21 century-cell attenuation controlling technology and first resolved fundamentally the issue of youth flowing away.
The development of modern articles for facial beautification has three trends: high technology, complex function and leisure.

Apply it evenly on the entire body, twice a time regularly. The effect will be better if you massage the skin after its application.

Do not use if you have an allergic skin.

Acupoint Treasure

Detail Description:

Invented according to the ancient Chinese acupuncture therapy, magnetic therapy. Focused magnetic cluster will function through skin upon the acupoint when acupressure on the acupoints adopted. Promotes circulation of blood in micro vessels and adjust disturbance in bioelectric field as well as magnetic field by way of scanning and injecting certain electric pulse to prevent and cure disease and achieve effects. Known as the “in visible magnetic magic needle”. General effectiveness reaches 98.4%. Won the Golden Award “96 Beijing International Invention” and at “The 1st session International Einstein New Invention, New technology (products).

How To use: Press, scah and pulse

A: Press Press the pinpoint of the Acupoint Treasure certain acupoint using bOg - 500g strength, accordance to the highest limit level of patient.
B: Scan press with strength while circling the acupoint with pinpoint of the acupoint Treasure clockwise or anti-clockwise, similar to massaging. Scan acupoint with the magnetic bunch to change the still magnetism into active magnetism to change part of the bioelectric field of the body. This speeds the flowing of the blood and enhances the curing effect.
C: Pulse Pressing the acupoint for I to 3 minutes and pulsing the acupoint once or twice clear and activate the channels and collateral, with immediate effects. Before electrical pulse, install the transmitting stick according to illustrated instructions. The stick must touch skin. Keep the pinpoint 1 mm from the acupoint.
D: Using 2Acupoint Treasure At the same time on two different acupoint or symmertrical acupoints of same pinpoint (eg: temple, ren-ying acupoint acu point to get better effect).
E:Moving the Acupoint Treasure Vertically On the meridian and collateral can also obtain great effect.
F: For the diseases which can cause pain Pressing directly on the Ah-shi acupoint (aching point). (eg: periarthritis of humerus capillaries, backache, nervation can be cured).
G: For other symptoms, Please refer to the related acupoint of an acupuncture chart. Acupoint therapy will ensuremore ideal therapeutic effects.

1. Read the directions carefully Acu point Treasure.
2. Avoid the Acupoint Treasure from and heat source.
3. Keep Acupoint Treasure away frame watches, televisions and video recorders, which, susceptible to magnetic force.
4. Do not dismantle yourself as this may disrupt magnetic field or other indicate parts of apparatus.
5. The lifespan of the electric pulse is 5,000 times per apparatus.
6. Patients with cardiac pacemaker are suggested not to use this apparatus.

Healthcare Jade Mattress

Detail Description:
Magnetic effect Far infra-red effect Negative ion effect Consists of 374 pieces of precious stone in the health mattress: Achieving Health from sleeping: We spend, 1/3 our life sleeping. Therefore, the impact of sleeping to human life in enormous. Heavy work load, anxiety can easily cause our back bone to become crooked tired muscle, affect digestive system and other sickness. Quality sleep is the basis of health rejuvenation. It is the best time to rejuvenate organ functions. Quality sleep is the first step towards total health 7 UNIQUE FEATURE OF TIENS DREAM HEALTH MATTRESS:

1. Activates the Water Molecules:
Arrangements of the stones have massage effect on muscle nerve. It can remove tiredness, improve air circulation and remove body heat. Its exclusive structure help you to improve health while sleeping.

2. Activates Cell, Improve Metabolism:
Tiens Dream Health Mattress increases the negative ion in the user’s blood. It speeds up the inter-activity between ion in the inner and outer layer and the cell enabling sufficient nutrient to be transported to the cell, the unwanted waste are being discharged and this enhances the metabolism and recovers the cell functions rapidly. It also increases calcium content in the blood, stimulates the muscle functions, especially cardiac muscle. Heart becomes healthier and digestion system becomes stronger.

3. Purifying Blood and Balancing blood pH:
Far Infrared Ray is able to change blood pH from acidic to weak alkaline. The blood purifying process will be more ideal in the presence of negative ion. When the gggitive and negative ions cover up the whole y, ions in the blood and minerals in the body (natrium, calcium, potassium) will combine closely. With “Tiens Dream Health Mattress,” the negative ion in the body will increase calcium and slightly alkaline and restores blood to its originals state. This helps to purify blood improve skin texture, prevent arteriosclerosis, . Improve channel and joint pain, supplement deficiency of calcium.

4. Revitalizing:
The life ray from “Tiens Dream Health Mattress” can improve blood circulation, enhance kidney function and stabilize the body condition in general.

5. Balance automatic nervous system:
Tremendous curative effect of the negative ion ray from Tiens Dream Health Mattress can regulate the automatic nervous system. Automatic nerve control all organs, glands, blood vessels and other organs that do not need conscious control and have immediate reaction. Thus, it is the necessary basic function in life. Thus, it is also known as life Nerve. Automatic nerve can be improved through absorption of negative ion in body. It is especially helpful in assisting imbalance of automatic nerve due to the busy modern life. It also enhances the regulation of endocrine which is closely related to automatic nerve. Besides, it improve the ability to build blood. The strong negative ion released by “Tiens Dream Health Mattress” is helpful to various diseases, especially the chronic diseases. The increase of negative ion in body improves the body fluid, cells and nerve functions. This further improves internal organs and tissue functions, regulates the imbalances of automatic nerve and endocrine system. It also improves various body functions and helps to cure chronic diseases. TIENS Matress

6. Maintain body temperature:
The unique structure and function of “Tiens Dream Health Mattress” help to increase elasticity of blood vessel to control body temperature at any time.

7. Increase blood circulation
and body resistant Continue usage of ‘liens Dream Health Mattress” can activate water molecule, reduce blood viscosity, improve numb hand, leg waist and shoulder, low +and high blood pressure and clogged blood vessel. Together with the increase of negative ion, white blood cell will increase and this improves immunity (antibody) and enhance body resistance. At the same time, the scar healing ability also increase.

The Secrets of Tiens Dream:
There are 374 pieces of 3 different stones in Tiens Dream Health stones are the source of miracle Tiens Dream Health Mattress. Germanium: types of precious Mattress. These healing power of It is also known as far-infra red stone. This is the newly developed FIR Stone. It is produced from a combination of germanium, quartz, feldspar, bess an ceramic. The stone is heated at 1300 degree by using high technology method. After processing Germanium stone releases higher intensity of F.l.R than other gem stones. Tourmaline: Tourmaline is the highest energy crystal in the world. It has two physical features, namely: Pyroetectricity and Piezoelectricity: Pyroelectricity in the condition where Tourmaline carries positive and negative charge under different temperatures. Piezoelectricity is the vertical direction of Tourmaline that meets up at two ends and produces negative charge. Such negative charge will be absorbed by molecules in the air and becomes negative ions. Jade: For thousands of years, jade stone had been used as health accessories by the oriental people. This was recorded in a lot of ancient medical books. Jade stone is validated as one of the sources of RI.R. lt is widely used in promoting blood circulation, anti-aging, enhancing immunity and relieving fatigue. Besides, examinations showed that jade stone contains lots of important element such as calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium. Health Mattress will regulate the bio-magnetic field and help you in promoting better flow of nervous system and blood circulation. The Theory of Magnetic therapy: Earth itself is a natural magnetic field while there is also a magnetic field in human body produced by his own bioelectricity In normal condition, the electron and ion is functioning in a balanced manner. If such balanced situation is interrupted, its flow and distribution will be further affected and this is usually the root cause of many sicknesses due to the disturbances of body organs. Tiens Dream Health Mattress help you to recover damaged organs by balancing bio-magnetic field. A healthy person has a balance positive and negative ion. Nowadays, people carry most of their active time in the car and high -rise building. Frequent use of electrical products, high power wire, and computer causes us to expose to positive magnetic field. Besides, taking too much of meat and acidic food will subsequently affect the balance of positive and negative ion, causing us to expose to positive magnetic field (positive and acidity). This will disturb our metabolism and various unhealthy symptoms will appear. On the other hand, the negative magnetic field (negative, week alkaline) will normalize the metabolism and regulate the body function. Today, positive magnetic field is in excess, the negative magneticenergy produced by Tiens Dream.

Blood Pressure Monitor & Depressor (SF852)

Detail Description:
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) is one of the three major diseases that are of great danger to mankind. It is known as the INVISIBLE KILLER. The higher the blood pressure, the higher the incidence of the heart disease or incidental cerebrovascular (apoplexy) disease. Therefore, early diagnosis as well as prompt treatment of hypertension is of great significance.

About Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the arterial walls when blood flows through the arteries. The pressure exerted when the heart contracts and sends out blood is called systolic (highest) pressure. The pressure exerted when the heart dilates and blood flows into the heart is called diastolic (lowest) pressure. Blood pressure is a physiological index subject to wide fluctuations, which might be influenced by talk, movement, posture, mood, etc., and possesses the property of periodical change throughout the day. And therefore, using different body parts for measurement (such as wrist or upper arm), different blood vessel wall thickness as well as different measurement time will probably generate different measuring results.


SF852 is a microcomputer based Blood Pressure Monitor cum High Blood Pressure Depressor and incorporates the latest micro-controller from Japan.


It uses the Oscillo metric method of measurement and automatically pressurizes and measures blood pressure and is capable of displaying minor changes of the blood pressure measured.


SF852 can balance bioelectricity in the body resulting in stabilization of blood pressure. Research indicates that there is wide bioelectricity connection between the ears and other parts of the human body. When people are sick, bioelectricity parameters such as resistance, potential and capacitance can vary on areas of the ears. The groove shaped acupuncture points, located at the back of the ears ( the hypertension groove ) has been shown to be the acupuncture points connected with high blood pressure. Periodical stimulation of acupuncture points with low frequency electronic pulse helps to dredge channels, guide blood flow, expand blood vessels, improve microcirculation and decrease renin secretion, and thereby results in the balance and stabilization of blood pressure.

Special Features of SF852 Microcomputer Wrist Blood Pressure depressor Monitor

All in one compact unit.

Memory function for storing 7 sets of pressure values and 1 set of average pressure values.

Query function to view saved pressure data available, helping you constantly monitor your blood pressure.

Clear function to erase saved data available.

Large easy to read LCD Display.

User friendly operation.

Depressurization treatment time setting feature provided.

Automatic shut off system.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Car Ozone / Auto Photocatalysis Air Purifier

Car Ozone / Auto PhotoCatalysis Air Purifier

Detail Description:

Superior air purify in five steps:
1st Step: Static electricity filtering net, filtrate out large dust and foreign substance;
2nd Step: Superior strong filtering net for foreign odor of smoking, mildew, gas of end-car,
3rd Step: Superior strong lamp of ultraviolet radiation, the length of special wave is 253.7 mm, itis 500 times of the sunlight. The ozone can not released , but can kill affectionately bacteria and virus.
4th Step: High effici entp hotocatalysis filtering net, by shinning of the ultraviolet, the superior oxidation ion can be released and can kill bacteria and virus and decompound the organic matter in the air.
5th step: The efficient filtering net has been identified by national controlling dept. and the results are as following: Killing bacteria: .99.6% decompouding formaldehyde: 90.8%., decompoudin g benzene. 95.5%, foreign odor 99.7% dust 99.0% century achievement five machines in one machine”:
1: Photocatalysis machine, by the hi-tech of photocatalysis killing efficient bacteria and virus decompound quickly benzene, formaldehyde , etc.., no any harmful action.
2: Ultraviolet radiation machine, the radiation lamp of 253.7mm of wave are fixed in bacteria and virus can be killed directly.
3: Air purifying machine, by the special imported adsorption material, it is the 100 times of the traditional char adsorption function of hitwech of killing bacteria odor, and sanitization.
4: Auto perfume air purifying machine, can be change into different kind of perfume, the lighter of car can e used as power, and washing room and office by 12vd. of power.